QQ 1640076782



Filed under: 饭饭 — fanfan @ 6:50 上午



1. 向投诉方道歉,并且得到对方同意才能继续使用空间,否则封空间。

2. 如拒绝提供投诉方同意信息,必须书面申明不再滥发垃圾邮件,并且授权GODADDY从信用卡扣取199美元所谓的管理费用。交了钱,就当你解决问题。



We present to you the following solution to resolve this issue:

First, reply to abuse@godaddy.com with a statement that you (or your employees, affiliates, 3rd party marketers, etc.) will no longer send messages to individuals that did not ask to receive information specifically from your domain name.

Second, include in this statement authorization for GoDaddy.com to charge a $199 non-refundable administration fee to the credit card on file for your account (you may want to log into your Go Daddy account and confirm that the card on file is valid and has not expired).

Go Daddy believes this solution to be a fair one that will ensure that you will correct the problem on your end, and prevent any future violations of Go Daddy’s Anti-Spam policy. Additionally your services are not interrupted and your customers and affiliates are not inconvenienced. If you reply with this statement and agree to pay this fee, Go Daddy will accept this, in good faith, as proof of your commitment to correct this problem. If not, your domain name may be immediately redirected and your service suspended.